Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Doctrine and Covenants 1:31, Why God "draws the line"

"For I, the Lord, cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance;"

~ Doctrine and Covenants 1:31

Why?  What is His reason? Because He hates disobedience? Because His priority is our compliance with His laws or our living up to His standards?   Because judgment is His focus, causing Him to be hyper-alert to our failures and weakness? 

Neal A. Maxwell: it's "because of the terrible toll sin exacts from the happiness of those [He] loves."        ~ Lord Increase Our Faith, p.24

His reason for His view of sin: a deep love and devoted concern for you and your welfare and protection, and the welfare and protection of those, both nearby and far, who may be negatively impacted by your sinful decisions and actions.

It is hard to imagine in this world of highly judgmental and condemnatory power struggles, but really, the essence and motive of God is love.  

1st John 4:8

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