1. You will earn money. Never let those riches cause you to see yourself as more important, or worthy, or entitled, or interesting, than someone else.
2. Recognize that what you earn materially in this life is a gift, and that you should treat all men and women as your brothers and sisters and be generous. If, before you gained weath you were committed to being a faithful member of the kingdom of God, and you continue to be so, your foundation will be built upon love of God and love for others, and generosity will come more easily to you..
3. Treat others with kindness and respect—especially the person to whom you are married. And do not enter into a marriage where that kindness and respect are not mutual.
4. Never treat anyone as an object.
5. Look to God, and do so with a clear, determined dedication to Him. As you do so, He will be your counselor, your solace, your advocate, and the source of resolution for every wrong and every tragedy you encounter.
6. Love your spouse. Be absolutely faithful to each other.
7. Never allow racism, sexism, nationalism, or other prejudices, including political prejudices, to become a part of who you are or to determine the choices you make.
8. You way to be at peace with God, the Father, is through your paying attention to his counsel and your embracing of the atonement of Jesus Christ.
9. God will show your your weaknesses. When he does so, do not despair. Remember that He does that so that you can work with Him to do good, and that as you work with Him, because of his grace and power, you and He will get good things done in spite of your weakness.
(Grace, as defined in the era in which the Book of Mormon was translated: “a ready, willingness to help”)
10. Counsel with the Lord. He is full of love, wisdom, justice, and mercy and is interested in assisting you and counseling with you in every aspect of your life. Never let guilt, or fear, or despair prevent you from fully and honestly counseling with Him.
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