Monday, March 23, 2015

Let it go

Today I discovered that a book I had sold had been lost by the post office.  And I could not find the tracking number.

So I had to trust the buyer's claim that the book never arrived and issue him a refund.

As I talked myself down from my annoyance I used the phrase "let it go".

And then I wondered....will the movie, "Frozen", change the way that phrase is perceived by the youngest generation?

Instead of meaning, "ease your emotional angst and stop focusing on this annoying or bothersome issue and free yourself to move on" will it be thought to mean "stop holding back and express what you are feeling to the nth degree"?

And what confusion will that cause between my generation and theirs when my generation suggests that they "let it go"?

And if it does change in meaning, what new phrase will we develop to replace the older meaning?

1 comment:

BrieAnn said...

1. I'm sorry about the book. I hope it was one of those fabulous 99-cent bargains. :)

2. This post made me laugh. Magnolia's favorite song is "Let it Go," and I can't imagine that changing anytime soon, though she calls it "Snow Glows White on the Mountain Tonight." I'd never thought about the phrase changing meaning because of the song - and I've always thought of the "let it go" in the song more as "Relax and be yourself [don't try to live your life based on the expectations of others]." Because my language usage is so informal, the "let it go" of your generation is where I use "chillax" to my girls. And that made me laugh even more that I make "chillax" a real, serious thing every time I use it, even if I initially started using it in a lighthearted way.