Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Top Seventeen Books

I woke up this morning thinking about reading.  (I'd enjoyed the luxury of reading through a copy of Elizabeth Coatsworth"s Here I Stay the evening before, while waiting for an appointment.)  This led me to make a mental list of books that I'm very glad I have read over the past thirty years because they have taught me or reminded me of good and helpful things at various points in my life.

Here's the list, in the general order in which I recall having read them:

Couples--Carlfred Broderick
One Flesh, One Heart--Carlfred Broderick
Believing Christ--Stephen Robinson
For the Love of Children--Edward E. Ford and Steven Englund
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk--Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Siblings Without Rivalry: how to help your children live together so you can live too--Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
My Parents Married on a Dare--Carlfred Broderick
Plain and Simple: a journey to the Amish--Sue Bender
Feeling Good: the new mood therapy--David Burns
Christlike Parenting--Glenn Latham
Celebration of Discipline: the path to spiritual growth--Richard J. Foster
The Peacegiver--Richard Farrell
Counseling With Our Councils--M. Russell Ballard
The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Living on a Budget--Peter Sander and Jennifer Bayse Sander
Financial Peace Revisited--Dave Ramsey
What Paul Really Said About Women--John Temple Bristow
Real Love in Marriage--Greg Baer

I'm currently studying "Women in Eternity, Women in Zion" by Alma Don Sorenson and Valerie Hudson.  So far it looks like it may be worthy of adding to the list.  We'll see.

Update, May 2020.  “Women in Eternity was good, but didn’t quite make the cut.  See my review dated 6/7/2013
Looking back at the  9 1/2 years since this post I would add “More with Less”, by Francine Joy to the list.
I’ve started “Christ in Crisis; Why we need to reclaim Jesus” by Jim Wallis this month.  It’s looking like it may make the list.